My positive experiences at several government entities in Guyana

Dear Editor,

Too many letter writers are obsessed with the syndrome of negativity. I read from unfair complainers that offices at GPO, NIS, VAT, etc are all non- professional in dispensing their duties. I am sure that this is not the norm.

Recently, I had cause to visit three offices, and at each venue my experience was extremely good.

I start with the most recent and maybe the most pleasant: a visit to GECOM office in Coldingen, East Coast Demerara. Staff members (at least the complement I saw) were all punctual, friendly and professional.

There was nothing ‘bigoted’ about them, and their mannerisms befitted their jobs. I think this must be mentioned, since GECOM has been ‘blasted’ for just about any and everything.

The second good encounter was at GPO. This happened only about two weeks ago. I had to purchase various forms, post some letters, and make an important inquiry.

What was quite nice about the visit was that I was slightly late, yet I was accommodated. I am very sure that if I were turned away (legitimately so), I might have been bitter

And, like most unreasonable people, I might have complained unfairly. My point is that, too many times, various offices are attacked, and not because of their faults or shortcomings.

That is why I chose to highlight a seemingly light matter.

My third ‘nice little time’ was at the Admission’s Office at the University of Guyana. I was perturbed because I had lost (that very morning – Friday, June 03), my UG ID badge and examination slip. The staff member (if she reads this she will quickly recall) who attended to my plight not only assured me that there was no need to panic, but also expedited the re- issuing of both pieces of documents in a very timely and professional manner. The reason I make this public is that there is a tendency among many University of Guyana students to be arrogant, treating the library staff, security officers, and a lot of other ancillary workers with disrespect.

I close by asking that letter writers highlight the positives as well in making public their grouses. Do not take it for granted.

Truly yours,

Attiya Baksh

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