Mr Guyana competition set for June 31

Mr Guyana World 2011 contestant, Max Chung

Guys get ready for what is expected to be one of the most talked about event for 2012 as preparations are well in progress to host a pageant with a difference, the Mr Guyana Pageant slated for June 31 at the Pegasus Hotel. The objective of the pageant is to empower young men to empower themselves and their communities, and is hosted under the patronage of designer and fashion enthusiast, Paul Burnette. The pageant is opened to Guyanese men from all walks of life between the ages 17 to 26. Based on the response to the call, 20 young men will be selected after an audition to vie for the coveted title.

Auditions are slated for February 20. The 20 selected will compete in the swim suit, talent, formal wear, cultural wear and the intelligence segments.

The intelligence and talent segments will be pre-judged before the grand finale.

The winner of the pageant will have a chance to represent Guyana at the upcoming Mr World Pageant to be held later in the year. They will also be given the opportunity to participate in other contests similar in nature, regionally.

Convener of the pageant, Paul Burnette explained that the event is one that will encourage men to find their real identity and become more self-confident. It will also boost their morals and their perception on social issues, including domestic violence that is plaguing society. “Once the 20 young men are chosen, they will be involved in various activities such as sport; seminars and others that will assist them in grooming themselves for the pageant,” Burnette noted.

Application forms can be uplifted at the GIVA Day Spa, Quamina Street, Georgetown; Colwyn Abrams, Linden; Candia Paul, Region Seven RDC office; Desmond Nelson and Abiola Garraway on telephones numbers 660- 2338 and 645- 1666. Application forms can also be downloaded from which can be accessible with the password, gavin6422.

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