Mr Gaskin’s appointment as a Minister

Dear Editor,

Firstly, had I been permitted to vote in these past elections I would have voted for the PPP/C, reason being my deep appreciation for the major progress that was made by the PPP/C in bringing the country out of the abyss it had tunneled into during a past era.

Setting this aside and just to ensure that I have no political axe to grind, I think it is quite unkind and unfair for any to target Mr Dominic Gaskin’s appointment as a minister due to the perception of nepotism.

As someone who knew Mr Gaskin while he progressed through his Sacred Heart Primary School days, and his days at Queens College, finishing at St Roses, where he attained his A’Levels, and based on my knowledge of him as a person, he is conscientious, very fair, firm but caring, simple but honest and trusting, basically a person of integrity – the substance that many present day politicians lack.

I am sure that anyone who really knows this gentleman would also agree that he is an asset to any political party with which he would have been affiliated.  I know that Mr Gaskin was one of the initial prominent members during the birthing of the AFC, years ago.

From my knowledge, Mr. Gaskin has never been a member of the PNC wing of the APNU. Secondly Mr Gaskin from my knowledge was very well established and married before Mr Granger was the leader of the PNC/APNU.  Mr Gaskin has earned his experience at his own expense.

I personally was very happy to know that a person of Mr Gaskin’s stature, was selected to be a Minister in the Ministry of Business and Investment (formerly the Industry and Commerce portfolios), since I think Mr Gaskin can set an example for many present day politicians to follow both within and outside of this present government.

I am sure in all fairness that anyone from any political party who had had the chance to meet Mr Gaskin and really know what he stands for morally and ethically would not disagree with me.

Andrew Dookhan

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