Moving goalposts…

…on handmaidens
It must be rough being a handmaiden, but Moses Nagamootoo is handling it with aplomb, if not outright glee. The handmaiden who brought the role to public notice was, of course, Bilhah, who served Rachael, consort of Jacob. When Rachel, jealous of her sister Leah, became frustrated when she couldn’t do her job – which in those days was getting children, especially sons – she said to Jacob: “Here’s my handmaid Bilhah. Go have sex with her. She can bear children on my knees so I can have children through her.”
Fast forward to 2011, when Ramjattan realised he couldn’t do his job – which was to bring in Indian voters from Berbice under the AFC tent to shut up Trotman – who felt Ramjattan wasn’t pulling his weight. Ramjattan brought in Moses (Nagamootoo), his pal from back in the day, whom he’d taught the ropes as a lawyer. Said Ramjattan in 2015 to Trotman of Nassau: “Here’s my handmaid Moses. Have him lie with David (Granger) as Prime Minister candidate so he may bring in Indian votes which would be due to me.”
And Moses verily did bear fruit, and David was very pleased, since he had now become the Ruler of all Guyana!! But Moses soon became jealous of his sponsor Ramjattan, who as head of AFC was really David’s consort. When maids lie with the boss, they do start to look at the mistress differently! He worked to undermine Ramjattan, so David would cast him out. Ramjattan had hoped he would lie with David (Granger) in 2020, but hell hath no fury like a handmaiden scorned!! And we have the present turn of events, in which Moses told David (Granger) he could lie with someone from the Amerindian community as PM, because they’d be more fertile where votes are concerned.
Thing is, Moses had shown he was willing to be a better handmaiden to David than Ramjattan, any day. Unlike Moses, who had his handmaidenship handed to him on a platter, and was willing to be a doormat, Ramjattan figured he’d earned the RIGHT to be the handmaiden this time around. David, however, moved the goalpost on Ramjattan, even though he was supposed to be his main consort as the leader of his major coalition partner – the AFC.
Said David (Granger) to Ramjattan: “I am the Chief Executive (king) of the country. I am open to recommendations as in who to lie with from all six of the parties (consorts) in my harem (Coalition). Citing the pre-nup agreement he had David (Granger) sign before the marriage, Ramjattan is now threatening to quit the marital home.
But, poor fella, he has nowhere to go!! He’s become a redundant handmaiden!!

…from pandits to bandits
Moses Nagamootoo’s day job is to write a column in the Sunday Chronic. This week, he waxed lyrical about being “Among the Pandits”! For a fella who has kvetched for years about being oppressed as a Madrassi by those high falutin Pandits with North Indian roots, he certainly laid it on thick!! But then again, it is that (elections) time of the year when politicians – even those on the way to oblivion – try to nice up as many voters as they can!!
But in Moses Nagamootoo’s case, one would have hoped he’d expand a tad on what it has been to move from hanging around pandits – for 50 years in the PPP – to dealing with bandits for 5 years in the PNC!! For instance, what would he say to Raphael Trotman after that massive giveaway on the oil contracts?? Or to Volda Lawrence’s G$605 million pharma contract to ANSA McAL? Or to David Patterson on the eventually-dumped sole sourced DHB design?
Not even on the bottom-house pharma warehouse over which Larry Singh cussed him out?

…by CariCom
CariCom has reverted to where it was during the PNC’s “constitutional” dictatorship between 1968-1992. That is, maintaining a studied silence on the constitutional crisis precipitated by the PNC, even after Bruce Holding called them out.
Because it’s the PNC?

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