Mother of three hangs self at Charity

By Indrawattie Natram

Dead: Sherena Smith

The body of Sherena Smith, 28, of Charity New Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast, was discovered hanging from the roof of her outdoor bathroom at approximately 21: 30h on Tuesday.

The body was discovered by the woman’s husband, Grey Smith. According to Smith, he went to check on his wife after he realized that she had been in the bathroom for a long time. Smith had reportedly left her husband and three children, a five- year- old and two- year old twin boys, in the house to take a bath.

The woman’s husband, upon finding her hanging, reportedly quickly got hold of a knife, and cut the rope around her, but, by that time, she was already dead.

The deceased’s father, Randolph Taylor said he is baffled as to what might have triggered his daughter’s suicide. The 61- year- old man described his daughter as very quiet, kind and loving.

He said he last spoke with her at approximately 14:30hrs, and they talked for a while. Taylor added that he had assisted her in weeding her garden.

Guyana Times International was told that the couple had a misunderstanding at approximately 18:00h the same night. The woman’s husband is currently in police custody assisting with investigations.

Smith’s death is the third such suicide in the space of one week.

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