Mother of prominent music promoter passes on

By Vishnu Bisram –

The mother of music promoter Heeranauth Mohabeer, passed away earlier this month in Queens. The late Sunder Mohabeer was born in Williamsburg, Corentyne on 27th March, 1919. She migrated to New York in 1977 living a very productive and hard working life. Sunder had lived at her son’s home except for the last few years requiring attention of a nursing home.

Mohabeer fed his mother everyday at the nursing home
Mohabeer fed his mother everyday at the nursing home

Mr. Mohabeer said his mom worked hard to raise her children.  She was in gardening and fishing to take care of her children. She was a local mid wife.
Sunder was a devout Hindu who prayed regularly. Every year, she organised women to prepare meals to feed the Dharamshala and the mental hospital in New Amsterdam, Berbice.
Mohabeer said his mom was a very kind and generous woman who provided a lot of assistance to the needy. She came from very poor, humble background but yet had a very big heart.
After she migrated to the U.S, Sunder remained religious and continued helping the poor and dispossessed.  She also attended mandir services regularly as well as weddings and other religious ceremonies.
Mohabeer said after his mom became ill and was confined to a Nursing Home, he used to visit her daily and personally fed her over the last several years.  He also related that last Diwali, he fed his mom and garlanded her and was looking forward to repeating it this year.
Sunder died on Feb 5, 2013 and was cremated according to Hindu rites. Pandit Valmiki officiated at the funeral.
Mohabeer said he and his family would like to thank the public and friends for attending the wake and cremation rites as well as for their sympathy and for offering flowers, words of comfort, etc. over the loss of their dear Mother.
Sunder is survived by children, grandchildren, great grand, and great, great grandchildren.

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