Moruca Expo billed for July 22

The annual Moruca Expo is slated for July 22/23 in Santa Rosa, Region One, the expo committee said in a notice.

On July 22, the entire day is dedicated to aquatics and water sport, with additional events to cater for the participation of visitors and other interested persons. There will be swimming, canoe racing, river swim, and a challenge which is the surprise of this year’s aquatic and water sport event.

The night of the 22nd would see a grand cultural show at the Kumaka Recreational Ground, and the committee expects participation from the various areas to make this a memorable event. On July 23, there would be the opening ceremony at which top government officials will preside, to be followed by the exhibition of booths. There would be a road race, a cycle race, top-spinning, Banchekelli music and dancing. This year’s added features include matapee making, paddle making and canoe making, all to be done live on July 23rd. In the evening, there is the much anticipated Miss Moruca Pageant 2011, which would run into the night, and afterwards the usual merrymaking with an after-pageant party and lime, the notice added.

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