Moruca Expo 2013

The committee of the Moruca Expo 2013 is inviting tourists, locally and internationally, to join in celebrating the rich heritage of the indigenous people of the Moruca village.
The festivities this year will commence on July 27 and will be filled with new games and entertainment. Many can also take the opportunity to visit the various communities in the area and surrounding villages, and soak in the colourful culture of the people.

Boats in Moruca ready to transport visitors to the expo
Boats in Moruca ready to transport visitors to the expo


Tourists crossing the Kumaka bridge, Moruca, to join in the expo celebrations
Tourists crossing the Kumaka bridge, Moruca, to join in the expo celebrations


Moruca residents observe a game of archery at last year's expo
Moruca residents observe a game of archery at last year’s expo

Some features which will be highlights of the event are the upright bicycle race, road run competition, archery, slingshot, paddle and craft making, face painting, viewing the Piaiman Pot, strong man competition, strong woman competition, fish trap demonstrations, H’aichisiro (pepper sauce eating) competition and the widely anticipated Miss Moruca Pageant. The village of Moruca, in Region One, is a centre of dazzling beauty and community cohesion. It maintains a police station, hospital, post office and a cluster of shops, and speed boat services.
The village is home to a number of Guyana’s fascinating ecotourism wonders: numerous bird species, endangered turtles, glimpses of other wildlife species native to the collection of communities that constitute the Moruca sub-region, and meandering waterways that harbour little marvels of their own.
An ideal location to visit after the expo is Santa Rosa. It is located in Moruca and is a collection of small islands that are distinct in the rainy season when the savannah floods, but linked by paths and bridges in the dry season.
The boat ride into Santa Rosa from Charity is comfortable and well worth the time. Sail up the mouth of the Pomeroon, up the coast, then back inland up the Moruca river through a tunnel of trees with immense roots later opening into savannah with floating reed beds and trees where the boatmen speed over vegetation mats.
The beautiful village of Moruca is quiet and peaceful and ideal for nature walks, swimming, canoeing and boat rides. Breathtaking boat rides in and around Moruca would help you connect with the people and nature. The people are welcoming and nature is lush so mark your calendar for the upcoming Moruca Expo.

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