
Stunning sunset
Stunning sunset

In Moruca in Region One, there is a cluster of small Amerindian villages which, during the rainy season, become islands in the savannah. One such village is Santa Rosa.

The village spreads out in the savannah wetlands along a 10-mile stretch of the Moruca River. In Santa Rosa, stands the well-known Santa Rosa Mission, also known as “White Chapel on a Hill”. It has been serving now for more than 100 years not only as a religious building but as a significant part of the Santa Rosa community, keeping it together.

To experience rich indigenous culture, Santa Rosa is an ideal destination. (Photos by Michelle Kalamandeen. Visit Michelle Kalamandeen Photography on Facebook to see more wonderful photos of beautiful Guyana)

Beautiful landscape
Beautiful landscape
Enjoying a breezy stroll in canoes along the river
Enjoying a breezy stroll in canoes along the river
Serene image of the sky's reflection in the calm river waters
Serene image of the sky’s reflection in the calm river waters
Parking lot for canoes
Parking lot for canoes
Meandering Moruca river flows through vast savannah
Meandering Moruca river flows through vast savannah

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