Mori J’von Comedy Jam celebrates first anniversary

After a tumultuousyear with manymisgivings, thecast and management ofthe hilarious Mori J’vonComedy Jam are poised tocelebrate their first anniversarywith great festivity,on Friday, November26, a release from thecompany said.To kick-off the megaevent,the Mori J’voncrew will storm theCanje Welfare Ground,East Berbice, with ascorching show dubbed“Laugharama & FunFest”. Mori J’von ComedyJam created quite a stirat this venue earlier thisyear when they broughtdown the house of close to7,000 patrons. The showwas enjoyed by all; andMori J’von will returnthere on November 25 bypopular demand.In a brief interviewwith this publication,Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Mori J’von, RonMorrison, said 2010 hasbeen a challenging year;nevertheless, the companyhas managed to keepits head above the turbulentwaters. He added that, so far, the companyhas managed to air its TVshow on eight televisionstations across Guyanaon Sundays, Mondaysand Fridays; and that theshow is looking to expandinto the Caribbean regionthrough Carib Vizion.He related thatComedy Jam will soonbe on tour in Antigua,Barbados, Trinidad andSuriname, while a NorthAmerican tour will be attemptednext year. Themuch anticipated DVDof episode one of the TVshow will be releasedto the public beforeChristmas; while DVDsfor episodes four, five andsix will be launched nextmonth at venues to be announced.

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