More opportunities for young artists

By Ashley Anthony

In one of my previous columns, “Young Artists Talk”, I lamented the lack of opportunities available for upcoming artists. I cited both the social and structural discouragement that young people receive when trying to become professional artists, some of which included few job opportunities and little acknowledgement that their work is actually work, and not just some pastime.
However, it seems as though I can say I have lived to see progress. Two years later, I can definitely say that there are more opportunities for young artists, simply from the existence of “The Duke”. The Duke, housed in Duke Lodge, is the hotel’s new restaurant and art gallery. By simply being, ‘The Duke’ makes the life of an artist much simpler. I would know, as I am one of the artists whose pieces were on display at opening night.
Going through the process of putting my pieces up, I was, admittedly, worried that I was ‘in over my head’. As a young person with not much experience in how the professional art world functions, I felt as though I would be overwhelmed, or at the very least intimidated, by formalities. I am incredibly happy to say that this was not the case; in fact, it was quite the opposite. The entire process is very artist-friendly and simple; the people are incredibly accommodating, and are extremely clear on the instructions to the artist regarding any obligations that the artist has; and, finally, there are rules governing the sale of the pieces.
Speaking to a member of the staff of The Duke, Amber Low, it is clear that The Duke is all about empowering young Guyanese artists and really giving them a platform to which they have easy access.
According to Low, the response from the art community has been “phenomenal”. She noted that young artists in particular are the ones who are “extremely excited”, as The Duke is providing them with a space to display their fresh ideas.
As for the response from the general public, she says there are just “so many questions!” She believes the reason for this is because The Duke is entrepreneurial; it is the first of its kind, a new concept.
She describes the environment of The Duke as “warm” and “intimate”, and further says she hopes to make the space one that is “free” and “open,” so that everyone can feel “safe”.
Young or old, with family or friends, The Duke welcomes you. Part of the reasons why she has tried to create such an environment, Amber says, is that when people feel safe, happy and open, they feel more comfortable in completely exploring and indulging in art.
When asked why she had personally decided to promote art in Guyana, Lowe explained: “One of the things I have always enjoyed about Guyana is our diversity and the way everyone embraces different cultures. It puts us in a very unique position as a country, and I believe that our diverse talent in art and food should be shared with the world.”
The Duke opens today at Roraima Duke Lodge, and dinner will be served from 8pm. Although you don’t necessarily need to witness the opening, if you’re ever looking for a place to dine, consider The Duke; it’ll definitely be a new experience.

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