More needs to be done to address high murder rate

Dear Editor,
As a concerned citizen, I am trying to get the attention of all Government and religious leaders as well as my fellow citizens of Guyana with regards to the level of murders that has been taking place in Guyana. I am hereby asking for urgent intervention by our leaders. We pride ourselves as being “simple” and “loving” people, yet here we are faced with a situation in which murder seems to have become second nature to us. Too many are in their graves because of simple misunderstandings, ignorance, jealousy, alcohol and in some cases, stupidity.
Yes, the police are solving some of these cases, yes, we’re seeing justice being served but I think instead of justice being served after the fact, we should try to prevent this from happening at the level it is today.
Let’s face it, we’re all vulnerable. We can start by coming up with a countrywide programme to help sensitise the people on the negative impacts of this act through outreaches. This can be broadcasted throughout the country via radio, television and social media. We can also get into the schools, get testimonials from the families of the victims and the perpetrators to drive home the message so as to help prevent another person from committing such an act.
To the religious leaders, talking to your congregation each week in your space is not enough. I think you need to get out into your respective communities and preach your words of wisdom to the masses and pray with and for them. Additionally, we need to see stricter penalties for those found guilty of committing this act. Too many precious lives are being lost. I love this country but I am dissatisfied with the direction it’s going in presently as it relates to this. For last week alone, I have counted four murders. We have to take a stand. We have to rise up and do something. It is not too late.

Stefan Tappin

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