More leaders should join the call for love and unity

Dear Editor,

Last Sunday evening, April 03rd, was the evening when another chapter in the history of this country was written; and might I dare say, an important one at that, too. For all Guyanese, it should be a historic moment, for it was when Guyana’s chief executive, President Bharrat Jagdeo, and Alliance For Change Leader Rafael Trotman joined hands and urged unity and God’s blessings for Guyana.

The occasion was the mega Gospel concert at the National Park, which featured recording artiste William Mc Dowell from the United States, who thrilled thousands of Guyanese who turned up at the National Park for an evening of true Gospel singing.

President Jagdeo graced the occasion as a special guest, and in his address to the gathering, renewed his call for love and unity among all Guyanese. It was during his masterpiece presentation that the president beckoned the AFC leader on stage, and the drama unfolded when the two leaders with hands joined, urged love and unity and God’s blessings for Guyana.

The episode that followed on stage was tremendously emotional, as President Jagdeo in his remarks reminded the huge crowd: “The politics will come and go; the love of God will always remain. Love for our country must supersede anything else.”

And it was a moment of truth, for Trotman could not have waited for a better forum to seek redress for any utterances that the two might have previously made against each other; to which the president responded in like manner, and the crowd responded overwhelmingly.

The president continued: “This is the spirit that we need in this country. If we have this spirit, then our country can reach the summit of possibilities.”

The crowd’s reaction to the pleasant banter between the two leaders is a clear indication that the people are ready for more joining of hands and more pledges for unity and nation building from other leaders in our country, who claim to have the interest of the people at heart.

Only with togetherness like the Jagdeo/Trotman experience would we, the people of this country, be able to live up to the letter and spirit of our National Anthem, which says in the last verse:

“Dear land of Guyana, to you will we give,

Our homage, our service, each day that we live.

God guard you, Great Mother, and make us to be

More worthy our heritage, land of the free.”


Dereck Osbourne

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