More job opportunities needed for our graduates

Dear Editor,

I am a student of the University of Guyana and would be graduating in two years time with a Bachelors Degree in Economics. While I am excited about completing my studies and entering the world of work, I cannot help noticing how challenging it can be to secure a decent job after graduation.

If one were to ask young people at UG what is the most important concern they have, I am sure the answer would be to find a suitable job. It is no secret that many of our young professionals are leaving the country for better opportunities. This is to our disadvantage, as we will have a difficult time finding competent persons to serve in various areas, especially now that our country is venturing into areas such as mining, hydro power and so on.

One item that must engage the government is the need to look at ways in which incentives can be offered to keep our graduates in Guyana so that they would help to contribute to the country’s development.  We need to create the environment for our young people to find good jobs. There are certainly not enough employment schemes that young people can utilise.

The Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA), a division of the Labour, Human Services and Social Security Ministry is making some efforts, but its work needs to be publicized more. For example, the body has found work for over 2500 job seekers in 2011. I have read an article in your newspaper which stated that the CRMA had handled over 3000 vacancies from a variety of employers last year, but was only able to fill 2500 based upon the skills that were available to it.

I should also let your readers know that the CRMA provides a free service to persons in search of employment and showcases as many vacancies as possible and assist in matching persons to jobs that suit their skill levels. The agency over the years has created a database which tracks unemployed persons in Guyana looking for work.

Our qualified and skilled citizens are the best resources we have and we cannot afford to lose them to other countries.

Yours truly

L Latchmansingh

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