More effects of higher oil prices

Dear Editor,

According to a Reuters report, it would seem as if we have to brace ourselves for some more rises in prices, as the hike on the world market for oil would dictate this. Ever since the beginning of the upheavals in the Middle East and parts of North Africa, we have been warned about rising prices.

The Guyana government has, however, made several interventions in attempting to keep prices of consumer items at manageable levels. But while it might not be so difficult for us in Guyana to survive the onslaught of the rising oil prices, sister Caricom states, like Barbados for instance, cannot say the same.

While we in Guyana have the luxury of consuming food that we produce, this cannot be said about the other territories, which depend heavily on importation for most of their food supplies.

Since the global warming and climate change phenomena came into being, Caricom countries have been advised to take a cue from Guyana and grow their own food; and Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo was given responsibility for agriculture in the 15-member grouping, as it was felt that self-sufficiency in food would help a great deal in the present circumstances.


Elizabeth Persaud

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