More Amerindian communities benefit from interventions

Several Amerindian communities received donations valued $9.8 million from the Amerindian Affairs Ministry to assist in improving the lives of residents.

Paruima Village in Region Seven received a 25-HP boat engine to help with transportation in the community.

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai, in handing over the donation to the community, said it ‘will go a long way’ in helping to alleviate transportation issues in the community, the Government Information Agency reported. Paruima is highly dependent on river transportation.

Muritaro in Region Ten received a portable saw mill, which the minister said will help the youths of the community to become involved in marketing valued-added products to enhance the village’s contribution to the forestry sector.

The minister noted that many communities are involved in log extraction, but the focus has been shifted to dressed materials, which will add to the community’s economy.

Annai in Region Nine received a chainsaw to assist with its agriculture drive. The community also received $1.8 million, which will be used to support the Bina Hill Institute in ensuring personnel at the facility are paid.

Kato, a Region Eight community whose economy is highly agriculture-based, also received a chainsaw, which will be used to clear areas for additional agricultural ventures.

Santa Mission in Region One, a popular tourist destination, received a 40-HP boat engine.

Minister Sukhai said this will enhance transportation not only for the community, but for visitors to the area.

Arukamai village in Region One received a 15HP boat engine to assist with transportation; while Waramuri in Region One received $5 million, part of which was spent to purchase a minibus for the community. That village also received a 15-HP boat engine.

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