Monument unveiled at Anna Regina in memory of President Janet Jagan

Nadira Jagan-Brancier and central Executive Members of PPP/C and PYO in Region Two at the unveiling ceremony on March 26

A monument in memory of the late President of Guyana, Her Excellency Mrs Janet Jagan, wife of the founder of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), the late President Cheddi Jagan, was unveiled by their daughter, Nadira Jagan- Bancier, in the Children’s Play Park at Anna Regina on the Essequibo Coast last Saturday, March 26th.

Nadira Jagan-Bancier encouraged everyone, especially the younger generation, to indulge in the poems and stories written by her mother. She also encouraged everyone to visit the Jagans’ home in Bel Air, Georgetown, where she said fond memories of her parents reside.

“The Jagan home is a simple one that reflects their lives, which were also simple; and I will be happy to see more persons visiting to join in remembrance of my parents and their lives,” Mrs Nadira Jagan-Brancier said. Paying special tribute on the occasion, central executive member of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), Navin Chandarpal, reflected on Mrs. Jagan’s work in winning the Essequibo constituency during the PPP’s struggles, and how she had lobbied for many developments in the region.

“She worked with the aim of improving the lives of the common people,” Chandrapal declared, adding that Mrs Jagan’s love for humanity was unconditional, as she worked tirelessly for the plight of women in Guyana.

Region Two Chairman and executive member of the PPP/C, Ali Baksh, in his remarks, said that Mrs Jagan was a very ‘generous’ individual, who demonstrated generosity which defined her character.

Giving an overview of the monument project was Chairman of the Women’s Progressive Organisation in Region Two, Juilet Coonjah, who said the monument was erected in memory of Mrs Jagan and the work she did for Guyanese, and moreso the women of Guyana.

After the monument was unveiled, wreaths were laid at its base.

The month of March marks the death anniversaries of both Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife, Janet Jagan.

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