Mon Repos murder suspect still on the run

murderVishal Baldeo, 18, of Lot 126 First Street, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, who stabbed his cousin Ganesh Ramlakhan, 34, to death on New Year’s Day is still on the run.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told this publication that the Police have been working on every possible lead at their disposal, with the intention of arresting the teenager.

He noted that the Police will continue their hunt for the young man whom they believe might have absconded to where he worked as a fisherman. However, a relative of the dead man told this publication that attempts to contact the suspect on his mobile phone proved futile.

She claimed that on every occasion the family attempted to make contact, his mobile phone was switched off. The father of two of Lot 127 First Street, Mon Repos, was stabbed about seven times about the body by his cousin who is also referred to as “Vicky”.

Bases on information received, the carpenter was in the yard when his cousin, who returned from sea, pulled up in a motor car and whispered something in his ear, causing him to use foul language. The suspect was not too happy; hence he went into the house, collected two knives and confronted the man who was still in the yard.

The suspect reportedly stabbed Ramlakhan once to his chest and back resulting in him collapsing to the ground. As relative saw what was happening, they rushed to the man’s rescue but were also injured by the perpetrator. Those injured are the victim’s uncle Richard Gowkarran and his father Ramlakhan Motilall.

Both men would have sustained injuries to their hands and heads. However, after injuring the two men, the suspect turned his attention again to the injured cousin, stabbed Ramlakhan several other times before making good his escape.

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