Mom kills self after son ends life

– father, sister had also committed suicide

A 32-year-old woman on Wednesday succumbed at the Skeldon Public Hospital after she ingested a poisonous substance last Saturday, allegedly in reaction to her son who also committed suicide a few weeks ago.

Dead is Nandranie Oudit of Number 68 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. According to the mother of the deceased Surujdai Singh, her daughter drank the poisonous substance because she could not cope with the loss of her 16-year-old son Arjune Oudit, a former third form student at Tagore Memorial High School who also died as a result of consuming gramaxone some five weeks ago.

Surujdai said her grandson was involved with a girl for several months; however, their relationship ended abruptly and he subsequently drank poison because he could not handle the break up.

According to reports, the family has a history of suicide. It was disclosed that the father and a sister of Oudit had also committed suicide but by hanging themselves.

“Why me gotta punish so, me husband dead and left me, me second daughter hang she self too and me work hard and mind me next two gal picknie and now me big data go kill she self,” Surujdai wept.

The woman said she is left with her youngest daughter who is so devastated by the loss of her eldest sister following that of her beloved nephew that the family had to take her to a doctor.

“She get blackout steady and she only crying and fall down, we gotta take she doctor,” the woman said.

Surujdai believes her family is affected by a suicide curse. She is also fearful for her remaining child.

“Me big daughter dead and left one pickney and she lil sister and when pickney fa bury mama, mama gotta bury dem pickney, it is hard for me to bear this pain of losing me family like this,” Surujdai tearfully stated.

Oudit leaves to mourn her husband Navin and a young daughter.

Meanwhile, according to reports, since the start of the year, several persons have succumbed to suicide while others have recovered from suicide attempts and some are in the process of recovery.

Only Wednesday, Guyana Times reported that a 19-year-old University of Guyana second year student died after drinking poison. Two other teenagers are listed as critical at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, following separate suicide attempts.

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