Miss Universe tours NEW GPC plant

As part of her four-day visit to Guyana, Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes last Friday was given a grand tour of the facility of pharmaceutical giant, NEW Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, Farm, East Bank Demerara.

Marketing Manager Trevor Bassoo presents a hamper of NEW GPC products to Miss Universe Leila Lopes

The reigning queen and her entourage upon arrival were greeted by marketing manager of the facility, Trevor Bassoo, who introduced other executives of the company. Her 15-minute tour was cut short because of her busy schedule. Nevertheless, the beauty queen had the opportunity to sample Limacol, a signature product of the pharmaceutical company. She was also presented with a basket of the various pharmaceuticals that are made by the company. Before leaving, she took a few minutes to interact and meet workers at the facility.
The workers did not hesitate to get a photo of the seemingly tired queen. The beauty queen earlier made a visit to the Maternity Ward and the Kidney Transplant Centre of the Georgetown Public Hospital.
She also visited Buxton, where she met with young people and had discussions on various topics including HIV/ AIDS, prevention, discrimination and more importantly, education.

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