Miss Guyana/India first runner-up, Shivanie Latchman speaks on life and pageantry

As a little girl growing up, Shivanie Latchman had great expectations of what adulthood and life have to offer. And at the age of 23, this vibrant young woman is well on the way to achieving her dreams, even some of more recent vintage, like entering a pageant and placing second.

She told Guyana Times International: “If you had asked me three months ago if I could ever see myself in pageantry, then my answer to that would have been no. Today, my entire perspective has changed; and, believe it or not, I can see myself participating in another pageant. This is all due to the fact of the wonderful and valuable experience I have gained by being a part of the Miss India Worldwide Guyana pageant.”

So, how did this young entrepreneur, who owns a convenience store in her community of Diamond, East Bank Demerara, get involved with the pageant? “One day, I saw an advertisement for the Miss India Worldwide Guyana pageant on the popular social network “Facebook”, and I decided to make contact with the coordinator, Chandani Ramnarine. It was my findings and observations that made me seriously decide to enter the pageant. At first I thought it wasn’t real, but as the days went by … I came to realise that it was actually real, and this was the point that all my time, efforts and dedication were put into all the aspects of the pageant,” the young woman related.

The Popeye’s-sponsored beauty revealed that she came into the pageant with limited time to prepare; but hard work, determination and sisterhood took her to the end.

“…everyone is a winner, and what makes you special is what you do with your passion and strengths through effort, hard work and perseverance,” she said.

“The reviews and remarks that I have received from the public have proven that I have surely showcased my true potential, culture and passion; and for this I am grateful.”

Latchman, the founder and leading dancer of the Ishara Dance Troupe, said being awarded “best talent” was like “the cherry on top of the cake,” since she choreographed her talent piece with all her heart and dedication, as dance is her passion. “This, in my eyes, is my greatest accomplishment throughout the pageant, and this is all due to my hard work and creativity.”


She thanked her sponsor, Popeye’s, for having such faith and confidence in her and giving her the opportunity to achieve her once-in-a-lifetime dream. She also thanked her family members, especially her brother Kumar Latchman, for the endless coaching and emotional support he gave her. She also thanked her good friend Hashim Alli and, most importantly, Sayakar Boodhoo, for his advice, support and a shoulder to lean on when needed.

Diverse talents

The Miss India/Guyana runner-up is also a marketing representative for MTV Cable 14/Channel 65, and is the host and producer of “Entertainment Buzz”, a programme that is designed to showcase the rich and diverse talents of Guyanese entertainers.

As a voluntary youth activist, she offered her assistance to the improvement of her community and to the youth of today’s society. She was an executive member of the East Bank Building Social Cohesion Youth Group, which is an offshoot of the UNDP Building Social Cohesion project.

The first runner-up went on to say: “The more you give, the more you gain” and she is a strong supporter of this quote. “I believe in equality of all human beings, humanity and charity. As such, I join hands with many non-profitable organisations….”

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