Minister Ali has set the tone for the debate

Dear Editor,
On Tuesday evening, having listened to Carl Greenidge label the 2013 Budget as unconstitutional, the Honourable Mohammed Irfaan Ali rose to the occasion and defended the government’s budget. If someone wanted to see dynamism, intelligence and political acumen on display, then I strongly recommend viewing Minister Ali in his most august self in Parliament.
In responding and countering Greenidge in every minute detail with empirical data from established sources, Minister Ali as he has done previously, set the tone for the budget debates.
However, in the year 2013, Minister Ali in Parliament is a seasoned parliamentarian as opposed to the rookie of a few years ago. He has learnt his trade well from his seasoned counterparts; Dr Ashni Singh and  Robert Persaud et al.
As was expected with Minister Ali debunking every one of Greenidge’s arguments and the public being able to view the debates on television, it is clear that the opposition will be clutching straws in order to prevent the passing of the budget.
One can expect with the debates continuing, the government side will not let up and will continue to hammer home the point that the 2013 Budget is government’s commitment towards achieving the ‘Guyanese dream’.
Yours faithfully,
Jeremy Winters

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