Minibus topples after collision with car

A route 44 minibus toppled on to its side after it was hit by a car at the junction of Conversation Tree and the Railway Embankment. The accident occurred at around 10: 00hrs on Monday between a minibus and motorcar.

Minibus conductor, Nandram Kunja, said that three persons, who were in the minibus at the time, suffered injuries and were rushed to hospital.

Kunja said that apart from a swelling behind the neck, he did not receive injuries, while the driver sustained a gash on his wrist.

The minibus, which plies the University of Guyana route, was proceeding west along the embankment, and had attempted to turn north onto Conversation Tree road when the collision occurred.

“We stop to put off a passenger at the corner; we coming from UG. There was a vehicle on the road and there was this car coming with full speed. The driver tried to go on the accelerator faster but the car already knock the bus and it turn over,” Kunja explained.

According to him, there were only five passengers in the bus, one of whom appeared to have been seriously injured.

“One of the girls look serious; she get knock in her side. Three of them gone to the hospital,” the conductor said.

The driver of the car denied he was speeding, and maintained that he had the right of way.

“Apparently, he stopped to put off some passengers. It had some vehicles in front of him. He admitted that he did it and now he’s saying that I was speeding. I had the right of way and he couldn’t see in front of him, so he was supposed to wait until all the vehicles in front him clear,” the driver related.

He credited his seat belt with preventing him from receiving any injury but said he was extremely traumatised over the incident. “I had on my seatbelt and that squeeze me in so I wasn’t injured,” the car driver stated.

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