Minibus driver, sex worker charged for assaulting cops

Released on bail for assault: Denzel Benjamin

Minibus driver Winston Farrell was last week slapped with charges of assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly behaviour and appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Magistrate Leron Daly read the first charge which stated that on February 11, 2020, at Croal Street, Georgetown, Farrell resisted arrest from Police Constable Daniel Nedd, who was acting in the execution of his duties at the time.
It was further alleged that on February 12, 2020, at the said location, Farrell assaulted the said Police Constable and proceeded to behave in a disorderly manner.
An unrepresented Farrell denied all three allegations.
According to facts presented, on the day in question, Police Constable Nedd was on patrol when he noticed the defendant and another gambling. As such, he made an attempt to arrest Farrell but he managed to escape.
The court heard that on the following day, Farrell was seen walking along the aforementioned street when Officer Nedd approached him and again attempted to apprehend him; however, this time, the defendant began cuffing and verbally abusing the officer.
Nevertheless, he was taken into Police custody and placed before the court. After listening to the facts, Magistrate Daly granted Farrell his pre-trial liberty of bail in the sum of G$45,000.
Meanwhile, in another matter, Denzel Benjamin of Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown, was released on G$15,000 bail after pleading not guilty to an assault charge.
The male sex worker also appeared before Magistrate Daly and denied that on February 11, 2020, at the Alberttown Police Station, he unlawfully assaulted a Police Constable so as to cause actual bodily harm.
Police prosecutor Christopher Morris told the court that while being in custody at the city station for several offences, Benjamin kicked the Police Constable and tried to run away.
However, the defendant’s attempt proved futile as other officers managed to prevent him from escaping.
Benjamin was in May of 2019 placed before the courts for snatching a woman’s cellular phone.
Both Farrell and Benjamin will return on February 21, 2020.

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