Minibus driver, conductor charged for rape of school girl

A minibus driver and a conductor were Wednesday morning charged for raping a 12-year-old school girl.

Roy Roach and Keron Adams

Keron Adams, 19, a minibus conductor of ‘D’ Field, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown was charged for engaging in sexual penetration with a child who is under the age of 16.
He was not required to plea to the charge when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.
Roy Roach, 41, a minibus driver, was charged with causing the child to have sexual penetration with Adams. Roach was also not required to plea to the charge.
It is alleged that the child was a passenger in the minibus when Roach drove to a house in Georgetown and locked the girl in a room with Adams.
The matter was held in-camera. The duo was remanded to prison and will make their next court appearance on May 29.

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