Milk and Honey

Satiricus is furious. With himself, that is. Why’d he have to be toiling away in the newspaper trenches, placing his life on the line every day, while others were so much better off? If you think he’s exaggerating, try badgering sources for news while wining and dining them in fancy restaurants seven days a week. It’s hell on the liver, not to mention the waistline.
Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. If only he’d been a worker in the Public Service, he would’ve been on easy street. He would have had HatTrick Fraud representing him.
“De man demanding 25 per cent fo public servants!” Cappo’s voice was filled with admiration. “You gat to hand it to HatTrick; he na mess around.”
“Well, he figures, the government wouldn’t want to deal with a public strike right now,” suggested Hari.
“Heh! Heh! De last time dem bin pan strike dem get 39 per cent!” Cappo reminded everyone. “HatTrick na forget dat.”
“Now I know why Link-Can bitch-slapped Ram Jhaat Tan for complaining about public servants salaries,” Suresh exclaimed. “That idiot was probably going to ask for the measly 8 per cent those hard working workers got last year.”
“Ram Jhaat Tan na know how hard dem people does wuk,” Cappo replied. “Last year me had to run twenty time to NIS in town. Dem still cyan find me paper, but dem a wuk prappa hard fo look fo am.”
“Yeah. I had to get a birth certificate. I only had to run ten times to town,” said Samad softly. “25 per cent is not anything to reward those servants of the people.”
“Well, the 25 per cent raise HatTrick calling for is not all,” butted in Hari. “He want bigger loans for public servants who get duty free cars.” “And mo allowance!” Cappo couldn’t contain his admiration. “Travelling allowance! Subsistence allowance! Uniform allowance! Meal allowance! And Housing allowance!”
“Don’t forget HatTrick demanding more training,” Samad the teacher was covering his ground. “You have to keep up with the latest computers and so on.”
“So what alyou demanding, Cappo?” demanded Hari with a nudge into the ribs of the battle-hardened canecutter.
“Bai, wha mo abee want?” sighed Cappo. “Abee na coop up in wan air-condition room all day like dem public servant. We a get fo be in the fresh air and sun whole day!”
“And abee a get fo exercise!” joined in his partner Bungi.
“Me and Cappo gat fo cut-and-load 7 tons every day now!” “Man, that sound like the good life to me!” said Suresh.
“So how come I hear Guysuco can’t get canecutters nowadays?” “ Wha me gon tell you?” Cappo shook his head sadly.
“Dem young bai na want fresh air and exercise. Dem wan fuh lack-up in office!” “Dem soft!” exclaimed Bungi scornfully.
“But is HatTrick too, you know,” suggested Cappo. “De man bin around since a doan know when. And he now mo strong wid he friends in parliament.”
“Well, I can understand why the youth want HatTrick to represent them!” Satiricus offered. “With the PPP in power, the public service is on permanent go-slow!” “Less work; more money and more benefits! It’s the life of milk and honey!” concluded Samad.
Satiricus is furious. With himself, that is. Why’d he have to be toiling away in the newspaper trenches, placing his life on the line every day, while others were so much better off? If you think he’s exaggerating, try badgering sources for news while wining and dining them in fancy restaurants seven days a week. It’s hell on the liver, not to mention the waistline. Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. If only he’d been a worker in the Public Service, he would’ve been on easy street. He would have had HatTrick Fraud representing him.“De man demanding 25 per cent fo public servants!” Cappo’s voice was filled with admiration. “You gat to hand it to HatTrick; he na mess around.” “Well, he figures, the government wouldn’t want to deal with a public strike right now,” suggested Hari.“Heh! Heh! De last time dem bin pan strike dem get 39 per cent!” Cappo reminded everyone. “HatTrick na forget dat.” “Now I know why Link-Can bitch-slapped Ram Jhaat Tan for complaining about public servants salaries,” Suresh exclaimed. “That idiot was probably going to ask for the measly 8 per cent those hard working workers got last year.” “Ram Jhaat Tan na know how hard dem people does wuk,” Cappo replied. “Last year me had to run twenty time to NIS in town. Dem still cyan find me paper, but dem a wuk prappa hard fo look fo am.” “Yeah. I had to get a birth certificate. I only had to run ten times to town,” said Samad softly. “25 per cent is not anything to reward those servants of the people.” “Well, the 25 per cent raise HatTrick calling for is not all,” butted in Hari. “He want bigger loans for public servants who get duty free cars.” “And mo allowance!” Cappo couldn’t contain his admiration. “Travelling allowance! Subsistence allowance! Uniform allowance! Meal allowance! And Housing allowance!” “Don’t forget HatTrick demanding more training,” Samad the teacher was covering his ground. “You have to keep up with the latest computers and so on.” “So what alyou demanding, Cappo?” demanded Hari with a nudge into the ribs of the battle-hardened canecutter.“Bai, wha mo abee want?” sighed Cappo. “Abee na coop up in wan air-condition room all day like dem public servant. We a get fo be in the fresh air and sun whole day!” “And abee a get fo exercise!” joined in his partner Bungi.“Me and Cappo gat fo cut-and-load 7 tons every day now!” “Man, that sound like the good life to me!” said Suresh.“So how come I hear Guysuco can’t get canecutters nowadays?” “ Wha me gon tell you?” Cappo shook his head sadly.“Dem young bai na want fresh air and exercise. Dem wan fuh lack-up in office!” “Dem soft!” exclaimed Bungi scornfully.“But is HatTrick too, you know,” suggested Cappo. “De man bin around since a doan know when. And he now mo strong wid he friends in parliament.” “Well, I can understand why the youth want HatTrick to represent them!” Satiricus offered. “With the PPP in power, the public service is on permanent go-slow!” “Less work; more money and more benefits! It’s the life of milk and honey!” concluded Samad.

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