Mexico, Guyana celebrate 40 years of diplomatic relations

President Donald Ramotar and Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett have extended congratulations to the government and people of Mexico on the 40th anniversary since the two countries established diplomatic relations.
In his message to his Mexican counterpart Enrique Peña Nieto, President Ramotar said the foundation of the relations between Guyana and Mexico is firmly built on the principles of solidarity, strategic partnership and a steadfast dedication “towards the improvement of the lives of our peoples”.
“I therefore wish to take this opportunity to express the sincere gratitude of the government and people of Guyana for the invaluable support and assistance received from the government and people of the Republic of Mexico over these four decades.
“It is my hope that we can continue to work together to preserve and strengthen these bonds for the mutual benefit of our countries and peoples. I believe that there is much that Guyana and Mexico can do at the regional level within the community of Latin American and Caribbean nations to improve the standard of living of our peoples and to deepen the integration amongst our countries,” Ramotar said.
Minister Rodrigues-Birkett said over the past four decades, Guyana and Mexico have collaborated on several issues of mutual interest within the regional and international community.
“Our peoples have benefitted tremendously from the many programmes of economic and technical cooperation, which we have embarked upon during this period,” she said.

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