National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Coordinator, Carol Benn
In an effort to build students’ self-esteem and confidence, the Education Ministry will be introducing its mentoring programme to five more schools in the new academic term. National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Coordinator Carol Benn told Guyana Times International in a recent interview that this move was triggered by the success of the mentoring programmes. Benn explained that the programme has helped to lift the level of values of children and has attracted several volunteers.
The ministry is calling on professionals to support the mentoring programme by volunteering to be part of it. Benn noted that the ministry has also seen children’s academic performances improving. She said, “We want to lend a helping hand to parents, to ensure that their children become better boys and girls… to see them focus more on their school work and are better behaved at home and at school”. However, while the ministry is attempting to attract professionals into the programme, persons of good standing – senior citizens and others who have interest in social service – can also apply.
Benn also told this publication that, in the past, the ministry has worked with persons from the communities in which the schools are located. The Education Ministry official said that despite not being able to attract professionals in the past, the programme has shown significant progress. Benn said she hopes to see members from social services clubs such as the Rotary and Lions clubs, take up the challenge and volunteer to take part in it.
At present, five schools, including one in Linden, have benefited from the programme. The next five to benefit are Rosignol, Plaisance, St Winefride’s, New Campbellville and Linden Foundation Secondary schools.
The mentoring programme will last for one year, and depending on the availability of funds, it may continue for another year.
Each school will have at least 15 mentors who will be working with selected students.
Over the years, the Education Ministry has been criticised for violence in the schools system. However, the ministry, under the leadership of Education Minister Shaik Baksh, has created several new initiatives and is working to strengthen programmes to assist in addressing the problem.
The Education Ministry has also been working to keep children in schools, and has over the years been placing significant interest on strengthening the truancy campaign. Truancy campaigns are conducted in all 10 administrative regions.