Men have pivotal role in building stronger societies – Dr Lee tells men’s forum

GWI’s Board Director, Dr Wilbert Lee during his address

Scores of male employees attached to the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) were on Tuesday admonished to acknowledge and act the role of being the most significant example in today’s societies.
This charge was delivered during the agency’s inaugural symposium for its male employees at the Regency Hotel, Hadfield Street, Georgetown. This was part of its celebration for International Men’s Day 2019, held under the theme “Making a difference for men and boys”.
The day, which is celebrated globally, not only seeks to recognise the work of men but also the importance of their wellbeing, responsibilities and the issues they face.
As such, at Tuesday’s event, GWI’s Board Director, Dr Wilbert Lee dedicated his keynote address to the vitality of change among men and how it should be done. With this being the foundation of his remarks, Dr Lee placed emphasis on the need for a change of mind (the way we think), noting that this is the only way men can truly impact society.
“As this society is about to change, and it will change overnight. We’re told that next year, 2020, the economy will grow by some 86 per cent, that’s phenomenal. But how are we as men prepared for that….so if we’re really going to make an impact or make a difference as we celebrate International Men’s Day, our thinking has to be affected. Our thinking has to change, we cannot continue along the same path that we’re travelling.” He stated.
To this he added that such a change is crucial to produce stronger homes, communities and the society as a whole, a responsibility most fathers and husbands especially do not embrace but rather abuse, according to him.
“So we have to build strong homes if we’re going to build a strong nation. And building a strong home has a direct correlation with fathers, husbands being in a home. We can’t build it no other way …we need to find or we need to develop in our societies men with chest. Men who will have strong moral values, men who wouldn’t see the need to sexually molest their daughters, men who would protect their families and men who the society can look up to” Dr Lee asserted.
Meanwhile, in expressing value for GWI’s male workforce, Managing Director of company, Dr Van West-Charles highlighted a countrywide and individual role of ensuring that the younger generations do not repeat past mistakes.
“It is important for us, as a country, as a people to be able to see how best as we move forward to ensure that the young boys coming up do not make the mistakes that many of us would’ve made. We need to also reflect how we can improve our own currency so that our contributions can be valuable.”

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