Memories of Cheddi Jagan live on amongst Guyanese here in New York

Dear Editor,
“We, the people have won.” – C.B. Jagan
The decision of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) this year, to observe the anniversaries of Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s birth and death, under the banner “Man of the People” is most appropriate. It focuses the attention of supporters and other interested Guyanese and the PPP, on the leader’s way of life and his strong ties with the Guyanese working people. Hopefully this would provide a better understanding of Cde. Cheddi /people relation and inspire a greater appreciation.
Dr. Jagan, the first democratically elected president of Guyana (1992 – 1997) a respected leader and a world-class statesman, is indisputable the Guyanese political man of the people. His entire life was in service to the people. He lived like a working man: his home, his lifestyle, his party, his administration and its policies, his struggles and achievements, all served the best interest of country and the people.
There is no doubt that Guyana could be a much better place today had more professionals including managers and administrators of our nation, adopt a Jaganite stand in their  day-to-day relations with the public. Dr. Jagan served the people, not vested interest or self interest. He was a man of integrity. Dr. Jagan was not about privileges and perks of office. For him it was about truly serving the people rather than perpetuating red tape and bureaucracy. Today, Guyana will do well with the practice of some Jaganism.
Cde. Cheddi , as he is affectionately referred  to, was humble, hard working and honest as most working people are. He was passionate about providing a better living and improving the working conditions, especially of the poor and the underprivileged and was enraged by social injustices.
Cde. Cheddi was always on the side of the working man, be it in government or in the parliamentary opposition or on the international stage. He had a special bond with the people. They believed in him and trusted him completely.
Dr.Jagan had great respect for and unwavering faith in the power of working people to manage their own affairs.  As a legislator and administrator he allocated positions to them on decision making boards and bodies at the national and local levels. In industry, he wanted workers to be involved in the decision making process.
Considered as the most popular political leader in Guyana, Dr. Jagan felt the pains, sufferings and needs of the people. As political activist he was always close to the masses nation-wide: on the coast and in the interior. He ate and slept at their homes, listened to their concerns and gave a voice to them.  And most of all he gave encouragement and hope. He spent a lot of time organising workers and farmers to pursue their interest.
Dr. Jagan’s struggles and achievements were the struggles and victories of the people. For instance, in his victory speech in 1947, he wrote in the West on Trial “We, the people have won.”  In fact, as the voice of the people in parliament, he brought the people to parliament. In his discussions and debates in the parliament, in the street corners in the villages and wards of the city, he took parliament to the people. Indeed he was truly the man of the people.

Jagan Memorial Committee  – New York

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