May the hard work and perseverance of Guyanese bear fruit

Dear Editor,

As Guyanese look forward to the New Year, here’s hoping that every joy, happiness, peace and prosperity come their way. These wishes are intended to my fellow Guyanese because they are a lovely people who deserve the best. Every time a new year comes around, it is a reminder that, as a people, they have come this far, have survived many challenges, and have worked hard in developing their country.

As they look back at 2010, the challenges and troubles should teach them lessons, so that in the New Year they are smarter in avoiding the same mistakes; and stronger, thus being able to confront any challenge. 

With the dawn of a new year upon us all, may all resolutions be kept; and may our hard work and perseverance bear fruit, so that we will continue to be a happy nation and a people committed to a brighter future for all. 

Happy New Year to all!  

Yours sincerely,  

Sherry-Ann Johnson


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