Matters of indiscipline are hard to overcome

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) recently disclosed their intentions to iron out societal issues, with their main focus on matters of indiscipline. Addressing such matters is not always an easy task but it is nevertheless a remarkable step to aid in the decrease in corruption.

Too frequently, young boys can be seen idling aimlessly around the streets of the city.

This sometimes is seen as the first step towards criminality, particularly since many of these young boys resort to using drugs and engaging themselves in other unlawful activities.

This act of delinquency should ideally be addressed immediately and if necessary by tactful or legal force.

Additionally, offering counselling to these individuals can assist in steering them in the right direction; primarily since many of these youths have come from broken homes and have lacked the guidance and attention that they so deserve.

A recent tendency has surfaced where entertainment promoters find it appropriate to host social events at public places such as gas stations which often encroach onto roadways and further obstruct traffic. These events need to be monitored and addressed by the relevant authorities.

During the Linden protest, I must illustrate gratitude to the Buxton community for not engaging in protests and looting activities in support of the Linden crisis.

Not so long ago in Berbice, I witnessed five young masons overindulge their hard earned money in a rumshop.

These are only a few forms of indiscipline that I have encountered over time and sometimes all it calls for is self-realisation and for these matters to be brought to the attention of the individuals guilty of indiscipline.

I look forward to the approaches that PPP/ C will take in addressing matters of societal disciplinary issues.


Janet Rachtoo


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