Massive crowd attends PPP/C Albion rally

–as Ramotar outlines vision for Guyana’s sustained growth and development

By Michael Younge

A section of the thousands rallying for the PPP/C at the launch of the party’s elections campaign on Sunday at Albion, Corentyne, Berbice

More than 20,000 persons were part of the first official elections rally staged at Albion, Corentyne, Berbice in Region Six, as the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic intensified its bid to be re-elected to government at the upcoming general and regional elections this year.

Addressing thousands of hyped and enthused PPP/C supporters, presidential candidate Donald Ramotar said that if that party is re-elected into office, his administration would work diligently to further Guyana’s economic and social development, while simultaneously transforming the lives of all Guyanese through provision of a brighter and more realistic future.

Ramotar said the PPP/C hopes to create an environment of sustained growth and development, as well as social, religious and political cohesion, through several new policies and initiatives which will impact heavily on the lives of Guyanese in almost every community and region.

He was confident that not only does the PPP/C have the will to further create change and propel Guyana on a path of growth, but the party understands the importance of democracy and partnering with all citizens who are desirous of progress and advancement.

“Under the government led by the visionary President Jagdeo we have completed the task of rebuilding Guyana; but now we must move together and take this change and development that he has made possible to another level,” Ramotar told cheering supporters.

He declared that under his presidency Guyanese will have better access to new and advanced infrastructure, continued gains in the education and health sectors, as well as new projects that would further improve the lives of all patriotic and civil-minded Guyanese.

At left: Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, President Bharrat Jagdeo and PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar at the grand rally

Ramotar said that hydropower through the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project will see the challenges being faced by businesses and consumers with respect to accessing affordable and available energy being significantly reduced. He pledged his unwavering support towards seeing the project through to its end, because according to him, “Guyanese deserve more, and must be able to enjoy the fruits of their labours”. The PPP/C presidential candidate also underscored the importance of agriculture to Guyana’s continued development, and its path to remaining economically viable.

“We will keep going forward. We will not restrict ourselves to just hydropower. The PPP plans to develop Guyana in every way,” he disclosed. He also informed Berbicians that his government would work assiduously towards ensuring that the cogeneration of electricity becomes a priority.

He stated that his administration plans to ensure that cogeneration takes place, not only at the New Skeldon Factory, but at others across the country.

Adumbrating his vision for the energy sector in Guyana, a focused Ramotar committed his administration to investigating the feasibility of the production of bio-fuels, while stating the PPP/C’s intention to fully exploit Guyana’s potentially rich gas and oil resources.

“We will transform this country, and we will equip our Guyanese people to deal with zeal and zest the challenges that confront them.” Ramotar added.

He outlined his vision for Guyana’s workforce in explaining the need for more efficiency and competition.

Ramotar shares a moment with supporters

He said the PPP’s vision is one that will see the wheels of the economy turning; and as a result, under his leadership, Guyana can continue on its path to becoming one of the most competitive countries within the hemisphere and the wider world.

“Youth will have to take up the challenge and assist us in building a new and modern Guyana,” Ramotar disclosed, as he noted that his administration will stop at nothing to guarantee Guyanese what he referred to as “social and economic justice for all.”

Ramotar said that his government plans to open new lands and to plug more investments into the development of the country’s now buoyant agriculture sector.

Amidst loud applause and cheers, Ramotar explained that achieving economies of scale and creating more value-added products would be the focus of his administration.

The PPP/C top executive has also promised to construct a new hospital that will be able to offer all of the modern services and required healthcare that Guyanese would need in the future. He said that this hospital would be on par with those in the developed world, and he acknowledged the investment that has already been made in the health sector, making specific reference to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

Ramotar promised Guyanese to work with all stakeholders to establish a modern deep water habour facility in the country.

He said this was necessary to attract more investment and increase exports, while cutting Guyana’s import bill by at least half.

A smiling Ramotar assertively told the hive of energy that was the gathering of his supporters that “the work has just begun”, and all Guyanese have a role to play in cementing and carving out their own futures. Bidding for their support, Ramotar cautioned Berbicians not to be fooled by the misinformation being peddled by certain sections of the society that the party had already won the elections and there was no need to really turn out to vote.

“We have to win the elections, but we cannot say that we have won the polls at this point. We will win only after every single ballot is counted and votes declared,” he advised.

Ramotar called on all Guyanese to reject any calls or attempts by political parties to create division within the society at this critical juncture, especially as Guyanese prepare to exercise their democratic franchise.

He promulgated unity, one Guyana and equality among all the races; and the need for a more collective Guyana, which can be created without any discrimination and bias. “These elections are crucial and must be treated with more seriousness.

“Everybody must come out and vote, demonstrating our political maturity,” Ramotar advocated.

He opined that Guyana can truly become an “El Dorado” as he urged all Guyanese to build a new culture and a new country on a more appropriate form of modern thinking. He lauded the ideology and vision of former Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan, reminding his audience of their struggles and accomplishments while in office. “They were bringing our people together for a massive movement, and have created the conditions for our development,” Ramotar stated. He also lauded President Jagdeo’s leadership of Guyana while in office, noting that from inception the PPP/C has consistently sacrificed “the party” for the “nation and its people”.

Fully endorsed

At the rally, President Bharrat Jagdeo fully endorsed Donald Ramotar as the party’s presidential candidate, telling thousands of the party faithful that Ramotar has the passion, vision and will to lead Guyana forward into the next elections and beyond.

“Ramotar is open to new ideas, and therefore is my choice to lead Guyana forward.

“I trust him, and he will take Guyana forward.

“I believe in him,” Jagdeo said to an attentive crowd.

Wearing his political cap, the head of state compared Ramotar’s track record with those of the presidential candidates of the other opposition parties – the coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC). He said that Guyanese must be ever cautious of the other two, because their track records are very questionable and do not point to anything promising for Guyana’s future.

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