Manufacturing of bird flu medication

Samantha Roopnarine (left) and Sariyaana Kumar-Singh (right) working on the production of Flumavir
Samantha Roopnarine (left) and Sariyaana Kumar-Singh (right) working on the production of Flumavir

In April 2009, U.S. media broke the news of the flu pandemic that was spreading across the globe. The flu pandemic, which was wreaking havoc across the globe and fuelling pandemonium with air travel, was identified by the World Health Organisation as the H1N1 virus, more commonly called bird or swine flu.

The U.S. Centre for Disease Control estimated the number people who perished worldwide from the 2009 H1N1 virus infection to be approximately 575,400. A disproportionate number of deaths occurred in South-east Asia and Africa, where access to prevention and treatment resources were more likely limited.

Locally, Guyanese attentively followed the news of this deadly virus, worried that the virus may hit the Caribbean and worse, Guyana. As the country looked on anxiously, one company remained resolute and steadfast.

In keeping with its tradition of being a standard bearer of providing quality pharmaceuticals to the nation, NEW GPC INC, in collaboration with the Health Ministry, poured resources into manufacturing Flumavir (Oseltamivir Phosphate 75mg) which would combat the H1N1 virus, should an outbreak occur.

FLUMAVIRGuyana, at that time, was the only country in the Caribbean to have its own stock of this medication and was therefore the best prepared for such an eventuality. The ability for the NEW GPC to be prepared in times of national need is once again demonstrated, as the company continues to be a pioneer in the pharmaceutical industry. The NEW GPC continues to be a trendsetter in the private sector; it also continues to contribute to the development of Guyana.

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