Manufacturing body mobilising local contingent for Caribbean/China trade show

The Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), in collaborating with the Private Sector Commission (PSC), the Guyana/China Business Commission and the Guyana/China Friendship Society, is mobilising a contingent of local entrepreneurs to participate in the Third Caribbean/China Economic Forum and Trade Exposition this September.

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Yu Wenzhe

The Caribbean/China Economic Cooperation Forum is open to every Guyanese entrepreneur who wishes to be engaged in trade and/ or investment opportunities in China. The forum will be staged in Trinidad and Tobago, the GMSA said. The coordinators have emphasised that the Guyana contingent should include persons operating across a wide spectrum of businesses, including modern clean energy, construction, tourism, information technology, agriculture and agro-processing, mining and hospitality sectors. Business owners who are interested in establishing new business ventures or strengthening existing relationships with Chinese entrepreneurs are also invited to participate.

The September forum will be the third meeting of Caribbean and Chinese private sector business owners.

The first was held in Kingston, Jamaica and the second in Xiamen, China. Both were organised and funded by the government of the People’s Republic of China with the principal aim of establishing direct business connections with the rest of the world. Further, in 2010, a Guyanese delegation of 34 entrepreneurs also attended the 105th Guangzhou Trade Fair in China, and according to the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Yu Wenzhe, that event recorded a 180 per cent increase in attendance over the previous year.

Guyana was actually the first Caribbean country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Since then, the scale of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries has been expanding appreciably to include more sectors.

“Bilateral trade has grown at the healthy rate of approximately 14.25 per cent from 2005 to 2009,” the ambassador said at a GMSA business luncheon early this year.

The GMSA said China has been investing in Guyana’s economic and social industries for some years now, especially in the fields of mining, energy and forestry. Ambassador Wenzhe believes that the groundwork has been laid for Guyana and China to reinforce their competencies through joint venture arrangements, service outsourcing, equipment import and advanced technologies.

The Caribbean/China Economic Cooperation Forum is open to every Guyanese entrepreneur who wishes to be engaged in trade and/ or investment opportunities in China.

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