Manickchand announces NGSA results

– Graham’s Hall, Mae’s tie for top spot

By Vahnu Manikchand Photos by leroy smith

Michael Bhopaul – Graham’s Hall Primary: 547 marks

A male student of Graham’s Hall Primary and another of Mae’s School have tied for the top position at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examination.
Ramesh Ghir of Mae’s and Michael Bhopaul of Graham’s Hall Primary each scored 547 marks, Education Minister Priya Manickchand announced in the National Assembly on Wednesday. The rest of the top 10 performers scored marks ranging from to 541 to 546.
The highest possible mark at the examinations was 563. Though a complete analysis of the results has not been disclosed, an elated Manickchand said that out of the 17,138 candidates who sat the NGSA, 32 of them were placed in the top 10.
The third place was taken by Rawletta Barrow of Success Elementary School with 546 marks. Angel Moonilall of Success Elementary and Talicia Sukhraj from Mae’s, both scored 543 marks each. The sixth position was shared by Ashandai Liverpool of Tucville Primary School and Roshawn Cummings of Success Elementary, they both obtained 542 marks.

Ramesh Ghir – Mae’s: 547 marks

Meanwhile, the eighth position was taken by Isaiah Carter, Ria Khan and Anthony Singh, all of Success Elementary School and also Surendra Gocool of Kawall Primary School. They all secured 541 marks each.
Tied at 12th position are Reanna Khan of Success Elementary School; Farah Chin of Marian Academy and Alyssa Nurse of Mae’s, who scored 540 marks. Leonardo Gobin of Patentia Primary School; Naaresshta Maraj of Dharmic Rama Krishna and Sarah Garrido of Green Acres Primary School, all obtained 539 marks, grabbing the 15th position. Whilst Onecia Adams of Green Acres Primary and Joshua Mortley and Reuel Sugdeo, both of Success Elementary School, along with Latonya Darrell of the New Guyana School, all grabbed the 18th position, gaining 538 marks each.
Ten candidates obtained 537 marks, namely Sydney Fraser of the New Guyana School; Jeevan Dalip and Alyssa Baksh of Mae’s; Cheri Frank of School of the Nations; Brandon Samaroo and Samanthra Scott of Success Elementary School; Anopa Ramdial of Zeelugt Primary School; Atiqah Roshandin of the Academy of Excellence; Kimberly Prasad of Taymouth Monar Primary School and Jelena Arjune of Green Acres Primary.

Rawletta Barrow – Success Elementary: 546 marks

The remaining seven students: Ridel Da Silva of Green Acres Primary; Michael Persaud of ABC Academy; Keron Smith and Adiaha Gomes of Success Elementary School; Ricardo Singh of Providence Primary School and Johnette Facey and Vishal Jack of Mae’s, all scored 536 marks.
It was also revealed that 271 candidates from schools in Regions One, Two, Five, Six, Seven, Nine and 10 are eligible for entry into President’s college (PC). Guyana Times International contacted the two top achievers, who were overjoyed at their achievements.
Bhopaul, an aspiring doctor of South- East Cummings Lodge, Georgetown, told this newspaper that he did not really expect to top the examination, although adding that he worked hard and is overwhelmed with the shocking news.
The young man also said that he had studied really hard and prayed too, adding that his success was a result of the great support from his parents, brother and teachers.

Ashandai Liverpool

 His is advising those who aspire to gain success to study hard. The young man’s overjoyed mother related that her son’s achievement was not a surprise to her since she has always known that he was destined for greatness and his achievement is testimony to this. The proud mother added that her son is a willing child that would help around the house.
However, she did not let him do much since she wanted him to focus on his studies. She noted that he has always worked really hard and was never seen idling.
Meanwhile, Ghir, the son of Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ramesh Ghir, related to this publication that he wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and become the CEO of the CJIA.

Angel Moonilall

The lad added that he is very elated and ecstatic about being awarded the top spot, adding that he was a bit skeptical when he first heard the news. He said he is happy about his achievement, and noted that his sister topped the country two years ago. The young man also said that he always wanted to attend Queen’s College because his sister goes there.
The young man revealed that the only reward he wants is a gaming system. The elder Ramesh Ghir disclosed that his son’s achievement is unbelievable, pointing out that with hard work, dedication and persistence, anything can be achieved.

Talicia Sukhraj

The CJIA CEO praised his wife for her devotion to their son’s education interest since he was unable to do so because of his work. Ghir noted that after an exam, parents can only anticipate how their children will perform. He feels his family is blessed since both of his children have now been top achievers in the NGSA.

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