Management needs to upgrade the level of cricket in the Caribbean

Dear Editor,

I have heard all sorts of criticisms about the West Indies cricket recently, especially since they were knocked out of the recent World Cup competition that took place in India. Some think the team has young players who would eventually become world class players; some think the board is wasting time and money; while some think players have the wrong attitude, and some think the right players in the Caribbean are not given the opportunity to play for the team. Well, I think that the problem lies overall with the administration of cricket in the region.

When we compare the quality of our domestic cricket with that of England, Australia, India and South Africa, we would realise that our level of cricket is mediocre. Maybe that is why those countries are dominating world cricket at the moment. They spend huge sums to have top class domestic cricket all year round. If a player is not in the national team, he is somewhere playing high-level cricket. So if there is need for a replacement, another thoroughly prepared cricketer is available. Players are always pressured to perform at their best, for fear of being replaced.

But, here in the region, our players are not exposed to high levels of domestic cricket, as obtain in the cases of other teams.

Also, the business community must give support to the success of the national and regional teams. Instead of criticising the players, business persons can make a difference by initiating and supporting initiatives (academies etc) to prepare young cricketers. And when I say train, I mean year-long, all-round, rigorous training in all relevant areas, including in academics.

Besides establishing an academy, management has to spend money constructively by organising high-class, competitive games that would give exposure to the players. This would help them to play competitive cricket on the world stage.

There is tremendous talent in the Caribbean, and management and the policy-makers involved in West Indies cricket should refine this talent to produce world-rated sports personalities.

Most of us would agree that the West Indies can rise again, but there is need for persons with the right vision to take over the administration of the game in the region.

Yours cooperatively,

Malini Dass

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