Man who killed teen lover apprehended

More than a week after brutally killing his teenage lover at Moraikobai Village, Mahaicony Creek, the alleged perpetrator was on Sunday afternoon arrested by public-spirited citizens and handed over to the police.

This is according to a police source who also confirmed that Chris (only name given), a tractor operator, was reportedly evading police ranks ever since he committed the act on Boxing Day.

The father of two allegedly shot 17-year-old Theiana Andrews of the Amerindian Settlement after she requested that he leave her home and never make contact with her again.

Andrews was shot once at close range to her left chest with a shotgun by the man who is originally from Corentyne, Berbice.

The man was apprehended in Mahaicony Creek, some 75 miles from the main road and was brought out of the community late Sunday evening.

He is expected to be charged with the capital offence of murder.  The suspect first met the now dead teenager while working some distance from Moraikobai Village.

A post-mortem examination performed on the body of the teenager proved that she died as a result of shock and haemorrhage due to the gunshot wound.

Gun pellets

Guyana Times International understands that close to 21 shotgun pellets were recovered from the teen’s body.  It was reported that the teenager ended the relationship she once shared with the suspect, seven months ago after she found out that he was married and had children.

He refused to accept that the relationship was over and continued to make contact with the teen on several occasions, but she would most times ignore his calls. On the fateful night, it was reported that everybody was asleep when the man unexpectedly visited the teen’s home and asked her father to see her.

His wish was not granted and instead, he was asked to leave. The stubborn man was left standing nearby as the teen’s father went to purchase cigarettes.

Andrews’ father explained that after buying the cigarettes, he was heading home and suddenly heard a loud explosion emanating from the house and saw the frantic suspect with a gun in his hands.

The father attempted to retrieve the gun but he was threatened and out of concern, he ran into the house only to find his daughter lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

The injured teenager was picked up and rushed to the Mahaicony Cottage Hospital, but unfortunately, she succumbed on her journey to the medical facility.


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