Man slits woman’s throat, kills self

By Vahnu Manikchand


Sheryann Tiwari
Sheryann Tiwari

A 22-year-old man was on Monday afternoon found hanging from the ceiling of his Lot 27 West Ruimveldt home, with his 27-year-old girlfriend lying on a nearby bed with her throat slit.

Dead are Kenroy Crandon of Fyrish, Corentyne, Berbice, and Sheryann Tiwari believed to be from Parika, East Bank Essequibo. It is believed that the young man murdered the woman before tragically ending his own life.

Guyana Times International understands that Crandon and Tiwari were living together in the upper flat of the house; however, the woman was asked to leave by Crandon’s aunt who is living in the lower flat of the house.

The aunt of the young man, Donna, explained that she was home all day and did not see when Tiwari entered the yard. “The girl that he murder used to live here and I put her out like the ending of August and I tell him and her too that she is not welcome back here. I was trying to prevent something like this from happening, because they used to abuse each other,” the aunt noted.

She recalled that around 17: 00h, she and a cousin were sitting talking and the volume of the television was very loud upstairs, forcing her to disconnect the electricity from downstairs. The woman said that while they were talking, she heard a door slam and something fell on the floor, then there was a sound as though someone was dragging their feet.

According to her, they continued to talk, but about six to seven minutes after “I called for Kenroy, but he didn’t answer so I keep calling. I started to feel like something is not right, so I went outside and looked at the door and it was closed, so we had to pull out a piece of wood from the inside step to go upstairs and that is when my cousin find them,” she recalled.


The cousin, who wished to remain anonymous, related to this publication that when he got to the upper flat, the bedroom door was closed, so he decided to climb up and look into the room and saw the woman lying on the bed. “I turn to Donna and tell her ‘I ain’t like what I seeing here’ and she said she want to see, so I push open the door and when we go in, the first thing we see is Kenroy hanging from the roof with he tongue out he mouth and Sheryann on the bed with she clothes on and it full with blood,” the cousin stated.

The aunt explained that she had no idea the woman was in the house and from checks made, it appeared as though she sneaked into the yard while it was raining heavily, since there was a strange umbrella next to the step.

The aunt is baffled as to what could have triggered her nephew to commit such an act and to take his own life. She noted that he was going to bring his two sisters from Berbice to live with him.

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