Man, reputed wife facing trial for murder of uncle

Vishawantie Ragnauth
Nyron Thakurdyal

Ten witnesses are slated to testify in the trial related to the December 26, 2014 murder of 39-year-old miner Sunil Ramsundar, which is set to commence at the Demerara High Court. A 12-member jury was on Tuesday empanelled before Justice Sandhill Kissoon at the opening of the June Criminal Assizes in Demerara.
The accused, Vishawantie Ragnauth and Nyron Thakurdyal both denied the murder indictment presented by State Prosecutors Lisa Cave and Orinthia Schmidt. On that fateful Boxing Night, at Patentia, West Bank Demerara, Ramsundar was killed after he allegedly attempted to settle a dispute between his sister, niece and his niece’s reputed husband.
According to Police reports in 2014, the incident occurred at about 22:00h where it was alleged that Sunil Ramsundar’s sister was reportedly being assaulted by her daughter Vishawantie and Vishawantie’s reputed husband Thakurdyal.
At that time, reports stated that the now deceased man enquired from his sister why she was crying, and upon learning that the couple had physically assaulted her, the man approached his niece for an explanation. However, this reportedly turned into a heated argument, during which Ramsundar was stabbed about his body. He collapsed on the spot and was pronounced dead on arrival to the West Demerara Regional Hospital.
The duo is being represented by Attorney Nigel Hughes.

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