Man in triangular love affair shot dead

Murdered: Balram “Sanjay” Jadoonauth

As investigations continue into the murder of Balram Jadoonauth, 25, of Lot 25 Dennis Street and Delph Avenue, Campbellville, Georgetown, there are a number of factors that the police will have to consider before charges are instituted.

These were the sentiments of A Division Commander George Vyphius when contacted on Monday.

He stated that the mitigating facts will have to be investigated thoroughly, since the case is a complicated one. Nevertheless, the police are still conducting their investigations, he stated.

Balram, who was attached to the GR Taxi Service, was shot to his neck and chest by a gunman who escaped in a car. The incident occurred at about 02: 30h last Sunday morning, yards away from his home as he was returning from work.

He was reportedly shot by the husband of a woman he had befriended, while ignorant of her married status.

As the relationship progressed, Balram found out that the girl was married and was living in an abusive relationship, so he attempted to break off the relationship but the woman did not want to let go.

The suspect is still in custody, but he has not confessed to committing the crime. Messages that were reportedly sent to Balram by the prime suspect were extracted from the dead man’s cellular phone.

Balram’s father, Lomash Jadoonauth on Monday disclosed that the investigators visited his home on Monday to collect statements from family members. The puzzled father stated that he was made to understand that the woman who is at the centre of the controversy visited the police station enquiring about bail for her husband. Her action has left stunned family members reiterating that she was living a life of abuse.

However, Dhaniram Jadoonauth, the uncle of the dead man, confirmed that the prime suspect in the murder was apprehended at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri while boarding a flight to Canada.

He stated that he believes that the murder was a premeditated one, since the man had already booked his ticket to leave the country.

“He only returned to Guyana a few months ago,” Jadoonauth added.

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