Man hangs self after fight with wife

Police in New Amsterdam, Berbice are investigating what appears to be the suicide of an Angoy’s Avenue man who reportedly assaulted his wife and then hanged himself on Monday morning, May 23.

According to reports, the deceased, Osman Ali Bacchus, 60, of Timmers Dam, reportedly cut his wife, Shemeeza, 30, with a knife following a domestic dispute. He had accused the woman of cheating on him, a charge she denied, and he attacked her with the knife.

At around 07:45h on Monday, the woman reported the assault at the Central Police Station, after which she went to the hospital to get medical attention for the knife wound on her lip.

The police visited the couple’s home at around 08:15h and learnt from neighbours that Bacchus had locked himself in the house and the sound of shattering glass had been heard for a brief period.

Investigators entered the home, and discovered broken glass and the deceased suspended by the neck from a multi-coloured bed sheet which was tied to a rafter in one of the three bedrooms of the house.

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