Man granted Gy$1M bail for causing death of wife in Harbour Bridge accident

Dhanram Ramdeo Ramlall
Dhanram Ramdeo Ramlall

According to an online news agency, a 26-year old Vendor was on Thursday granted bail in the sum of Gy$1 million for the November 8 Demerara Harbour Bridge fatal accident which resulted in the death of his wife.

The man, Dhanram Ramdeo Ramlall appeared in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Judy Latchman and entered a not guilty plea while his Attorney filed the application for bail so that he could attend the funeral of his wife and also care for their 9-month-old child.

In keeping with advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions, Ramlall was charged for causing the death of 22 -year-old Gangadai Persaud by dangerous driving.

The two had been married for two years. The accused refused to have his matter heard in the High Court before a Judge and a Jury and asked that it be heard and concluded in the Magistrate’s Court.

According to Ramlall’s Attorney, the couple was heading to the Plaisance Market to ply their trade when he lost control of the canter truck he was driving and slid off the bridge.

The Court heard that the rainy environment and the wet nature of the bridge were also contributing factors to Ramlall’s canter sliding.

His Attorney told the Court that the truck was submerged with both individuals but after five minutes Ramlall was able to free himself but was unable to save his wife who later perished.

The prosecution’s facts in relation to the matter were totally different. It is alleged that Ramlall was driving at a fast rate when he suddenly applied brakes on the wet bridge and subsequently lost control of the vehicle.

When asked by the Magistrate to substantiate the claim of speeding, the prosecutor informed the court that Ramlall admitted himself that he was driving at 40KMH while the speed on the bridge is far below that.

There is also an eyewitness report which claims that he was turning around on the bridge. Bail was however set in the sum of Gy$1M and he will return to Court on November 30.

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