Hilton Springer will serve 18 months for chopping Errol Graham
Hilton Springer was last week sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment by Wales Magistrate Clive Nurse after he pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously wounding 49-year-old Errol Graham in a violent altercation that took place on May 16, 2017 at the Bow George Bar at Goed Intent, West Bank Demerara.
Magistrate Nurse opined that, based on the severity of Graham’s injures, Springer should have been charged with attempted murder.
Graham, of Sisters Village, WBD, was counter-charged with wounding Springer. He pleaded not guilty, and was granted bail in the sum of G$35,000.
According to the facts of the case, Graham, who was at the Bow George establishment, was about to go home when he was attacked by Springer and another man, who together dealt him several chops about the body and managed to hold on to him before he fell to the ground and lose consciousness.
Graham said he next remembered being a patient at the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where he was treated. He later reported the ghastly crime to ranks at the Wales Police Station.
In providing an explanation to the court at Friday’s hearing, Springer told the Magistrate that he did chop the victim, but he had done so in self-defence. Springer said Graham was drinking at the shop when he, the accused, “sent a boy” to purchase cigarettes for him, and Graham then put his hand around him, saying that he wanted to kill him.
“I pull out me cutlass to protect meself, and I fire chop at he; we never had problems before,” Springer told the court.
When Magistrate Nurse retorted that it didn’t make sense that Graham just walked up and attacked Springer, the accused responded that he also had been cut to one side of his body, but his medical report never stated that he was injured to his side.
The court, however, disbelieved that the scar Springer displayed had come as a result of the incident in May, as the medical report indicated that Springer was cut to his hands and fingers.
The Magistrate highlighted that, even in self-defence, the chopping was excessive, and he rebuffed the defendant’s pleas for mercy. The 18-month prison sentence was imposed against Springer, but the duo will return to court on July 6, as Graham denied allegations that he had assaulted Springer.