Man charged for chopping woman

A man was on Friday refused bail for chopping a woman and extracting two of her teeth before robbing her of her gold chain. Shawn Charles, a labourer of Blacka Squatting Area, Durban Backlands, Georgetown, made an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to the charges of unlawful wounding and robbery.
The defendant pleaded not guilty to both charges. The first charge, stated that on August 22 at Georgetown, he robbed Abiola Frank of one gold chain valued Gy$ 45,000, whilst the second charge stated that on the same day in question, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Frank with intent to maim, disfigure or cause her grievous bodily harm.
Police Prosecutor, Kerry Bostwick, stated that the virtual complainant and the defendant are known to each other and on the day in question, the VC was heading to work when the defendant approached her and began abusing her. He then armed himself with a cutlass which he used to chop her several times about her body after which he extracted two of the woman’s teeth before snatching her gold chain.
The woman was rushed to the hospital where she was treated and the matter was later reported. The prosecutor informed the court that he has no objections to bail, however, he requested that the defendant undergo a psychological evaluation because of his behaviour.
The unrepresented Charles told the court that he had maintained a “disciplined life and this is the first time somebody is trying to nail him to the cross”. The VC, who was in court, said that she and the defendant were on a one-year bond and that he had burnt down her house. “He bun down my house and they (police) didn’t catch he and then I was going work and he run out and chop me up” related the victim. The defendant denied the woman’s claims however he agreed to undergo the evaluation.
The magistrate then informed the court that Charles would be remanded to prison until November 2 when his evaluation reports will be presented to the court.

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