Man bites dog…

Satiricus has taken pains to point out he’s an old journalistic hack. He’s always been aware of the old cliché as to what constitutes ‘news’. Dog bites man….naah. That’s old hat.
Man bites dog… now you’ve got some real hot news on your hands. And this was exactly the reaction Satiricus experienced when he saw the editorial position expressed in the MuckrakerKN on Saturday.
Here was the MuckrakerKN, who’d allowed their letters pages to be available to every Tom, Dick and Harripaul to cuss down the government and supporters of the government (or even those they suspected of supporting the government) warning one and all to be careful of the people who write letters to the newspapers. What had been an open secret in the trade was that most of those letter writers were part of the opposition’s table, to which the Muckraker was a card-carrying member.
What the heck was going on? Had Baddam suddenly seen a light from the heavens and was cleaning up his act? Was “Glen” Mook Lall, signalling less support for the opposition? If the Muckraker tightened its rules in its letters’ columns, a whole lot of people would have to join the breadlines. M Maxwell for one and Rose and Thunderbolt Singh, for two. It was a case for the boys.
“Man, Sato, a wha wrang wid you?” challenged Cappo right away. “Like you na read de Muckraker every day, or wha??”
“Well, there is only so much sh*t I can take every day, you know,” Satiricus mumbled defensively.
“Well, Sato me friend, me Daady always tell me dat ‘keep yuh friends close, but keep yuh enemy closer’!” Cappo advised grandly.
“Yeah…yeah… But is what going on with the Muckraker? Why they warning people not to trust what letter writers write?” asked Satiricus impatiently. The whole table were now looking at Cappo, who relished the attention.
“Bai, you na see dat two or three times fuh de past week, Kiss Soon had fuh write in the letters column and not in he own column?” Cappo challenged the table.
“Well, I did see that,” confessed Suresh, as most of the other fellas nodded their heads.
“Well, Baddam! and Kiss Soon had another fall out again,” Cappo started to say.
“Why?” interrupted Hari.
“Bai leh me finish na? De Man-Kisser want fuh cuss down Link Kan in he column every day, but Baddam put he foot down. Link Kan and Baddam! ah friend now. Deh supporting PNCEE,” said Cappo with a smirk.
“Aha!” exclaimed Satiricus, “So Baddam! control what go in the column…but not the letters’ pages!!”
“All smart fly does end up pan cow backside,” chortled Cappo. “Wait till the Mook find out Kiss Soon attacking he friend Link Kan. Even de letters page out fuh he!”

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