Man arrested for stabbing girlfriend’s mother

A security guard is now in critical condition at the New Amsterdam Hospital after being stabbed by her daughter’s boyfriend.

Injured is Nivonne Aubrey Trim of Number 77 Village Housing Scheme, Corriverton, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), who was stabbed to her chest and hand. Reports are the incident occurred on Monday evening in Corriverton, Berbice, when the woman tried to make peace between her 21-year-old daughter and her 48-year-old boyfriend.

Guyana Times International was told that at about 19:30h, the man was drinking with friends when he and his girlfriend got involved in an argument.

According to one eyewitness, Trim arrived on the scene and in her daughter’s defence tried to make peace between the feuding couple, when the man who was armed with a knife, stabbed her.

The man’s friends managed to take the knife away from him and Trim was rushed to the Skeldon Hospital and later transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital because of the extent of her injuries.

Police have since arrested the man. (Andrew Carmichael)


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