Man accused of robbing Qualfon employees remanded to prison

Accused: Quincy Clarke

One of the suspects accused of intercepting a Qualfon minibus and robbing several of the company’s employees was on Monday morning hauled before the Court of Magistrate Judy Latchman, charged with the offence.

Appearing before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts in a dishevelled state was Quincy Clarke, a 29-year-old mason of West La Penitence, Georgetown, who was slapped with 11 counts of robbery under arms. It is alleged that on May 12 at North East La Penitence, Georgetown, while in the company of others and armed with a gun, the accused robbed the occupants of the Qualfon motor vehicle.

Clarke denied all charges read to him by the Magistrate, claiming that he had no knowledge of the incident.

The court heard that Clarke was a father of one, who was seasonally employed as a mason and block-maker, with no pending or previous matters before the courts.

The Prosecutor objected to bail based on the seriousness and gravity of the offence and the fact that a gun was used to commit the crime. Moreover, the accused reportedly confessed to his involvement in the crime under caution, according to the Prosecution’s case.

The investigating officer told the court that other charges of a similar nature will follow shortly.

Bail was refused and the man was remanded to prison. Clarke returns to court on June 12.

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