– says he is fearful for his life and that of his family

Joseph Phillips
The main witness in the alleged baton rape controversy who gave a detailed account of what he saw while at the Timehri Police Station lock-ups on the night Colwyn Harding was allegedly brutally beaten by ranks is now living in fear and feels that he has become a target.
Stephon Joseph Phillips, also called “Muslim”, of Soesdyke/Linden Highways told this publication that he is fearful for his life and that of his 17-year-old son who was also brutalised by ranks on the night in question.
The man explained that after he gave a statement to the lawyer about the injustice meted out to Harding, he decided to let the public know about the incident.
He said that he went to one of the daily newspapers who promised not to publish his name and photo, when he opened that particular paper on Saturday morning, he realised that they had broken their promise – an action that puts him at risk.
He recalled that about 22:00h on Friday evening, he was at home when he saw a car drive into the street next to his home and park.
After some time, he called a taxi and it used another entrance to collect him.
Phillips said after the taxi collected him, the parked car drove off, thus, he instructed the driver to follow it.
The car, he stated, subsequently stopped at a bright spot where he saw two armed men looking like police ranks step out.
“I wanted to know what they doing around my house… I thought I was in danger… I had to send away my son… I didn’t want him to go through what I experience with police over the years… I was beaten many times after they accused me of stealing….
“My hand, feet, face, abdomen all over have marks of violence to prove the amount of blows I got from them,” he charged.
He added that he has been receiving several calls from unknown persons threatening him.
“When I answer they say you nah dead yet…. You guh dead… you start it and it now begin… you guh dead,” he said.
He said every time he answered the phone, two distinct voices were on the other end of the line – voices that he is familiar with but cannot put a face to.
Reminiscing on the night of the incident, he stated that he was in a cell when he saw police ranks dragging and tugging Harding.
Phillips added that they brutalised him because he responded to the way a female rank was abusing him.
“The female rank was abusing Harding, calling him gay… and a thief man and he made a snide remark about the rank’s mother,” he explained.
Soon after, Phillips added, a corporal, along with others, started to assault Harding with the batons.
After they were done, he explained that his cell was opened and as such, he went to Harding’s cell where he rescued him and took him to his.
It was then Harding made the disclosure about the baton rape.
“He told me that he got to carry up this matter far and that the corporal got to pay fuh what he did to him…,” he said.
Phillips also said that he has been listening to the news and believes that the man is speaking the truth, recalling him to be in immense pain on the day he was taken into custody.
On Friday, officials of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) disclosed that Harding did not inform the institution about being sexually assaulted.
Officials said that the institution was unaware of Harding being sexually assaulted until the matter was reported in the media last week.
Last Thursday, Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell, during a press briefing, stated that the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is investigating the alleged assault committed on Harding, hence, several ranks have been questioned, but have all denied the allegations.