Main Big Lime attracts large crowd

Thousands braved the rainy weather on Sunday to participate in the annual Main Big Lime, organised by the Tourism and Commerce Ministry. 

Guyanese from all walks of life, as well as foreigners, used the opportunity to purchase craft pieces and other items that were on display at several booths, which showcased Guyana’s rich cultural heritage. 

However, Neil Bascom, one of the participants at the big lime, said this was the first year that he has seen so few persons at the lime, and blamed the weather for this. He said that, in spite of the rain and the fact that many families were having reunions, patrons enjoyed themselves. He also thanked the ministry for promoting Guyana through the event. 

“This event is good for business,” one craft woman related, although she shared Bascom’s sentiments and thought that the attendance could have been better. “The rain mess up things,” she disclosed. 

Nevertheless, the event was well received by those in attendance. As usual, President Bharrat Jagdeo was on Main Street greeting patrons and interacting with various business people who were at the event. 

One UK visitor, Ralph Pierre, said that the “vibes are good; I love the music apart from the sculptures and the craft work.” 

Holding a bottle of Banks beer in his hand, he also told this publication that he loves the beer and the other alcoholic beverages that are produced locally. He noted that this is his third “Main Big Lime”; the first was in 2001, the second in 2005, and now the 2010 event. Pierre also commended the government for staging the event. 

Amidst the crowd were hundreds of children who were seen enjoying themselves by indulging in face painting and various games, with the hope of winning fabulous prizes.


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